What's Actually Causing Your Pain?

Take The Free Quiz and Get

Your 3-Step Relief Guide

Your answers are private, confidential and never shared. Our assessment algorithm will determine which relief guide you receive.

This site and the content shared is for informational purposes only, and should not be taken as professional health advice.

We live our lives through our nervous system, and when it’s not functioning optimally, the body tries to warn us by sending signals like pain, fatigue, stiffness, etc.

This short, comprehensive, free pain assessment is your guide to determining the potential root cause of your pain.

When you finish the quiz, you’ll receive personalized care practices from our doctors to help you on your pain-free journey.

Take The Free Assessment &

Get Your Free 3-Step Video Relief Guide

After you take the quiz you will get 3 short but valuable videos that will detail more about your pain and the best remedy for YOU!

If you’ve been struggling with neck pain,

back pain, headaches, or shoulder pain, then

you need this free quiz because it uncovers:

  • What you can do for quick relief now

  • Simple exercises to Try at home

  • Plus some unheard of advanced techniques our clinic can help you with

Just click to fill out the quiz and I’ll email you

the "3-Step Relief Guide" instantly.

If you’ve been struggling with neck pain, back pain, headaches, or shoulder pain, then you need this free quiz because it uncovers:

  • What you can do for quick relief now

  • Simple exercises to Try at home

  • Plus some unheard of advanced techniques our clinic can help you with

Just click to fill out the quiz and I’ll email you

the "3-Step Video Relief Guide" .

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